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Feb 28, 2017

In episode 31 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with CNN’s John Sutter! John is an award winning opinion journalist at CNN who focuses on climate change with his program Two Degrees.  Doug and John cover such diverse topics as:

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Feb 21, 2017

In episode 30 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Suzanne Perdeaux, Climate Change Researcher at the Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR).  Doug also talks with Dan Ackerstein about how federal agencies might pivot from emphasizing mitigation of carbon emissions to focus solely on...

Feb 14, 2017

In episode 29 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Keren Bolter, Climate, Policy & GeoSpatial Analyst at the South Florida Regional Planning Council.

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Feb 7, 2017

In episode 28 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Rebecca Beavers of the Climate Change Response Program at the National Park Service. Yes, that Park Service of Federal government fame.  In this fascinating and very practical episode, Rebecca talks about the newly released Coastal Adaptation Strategies...